Gain the Competitive Edge
Sell more new business, retain clients through value-added services and optimize the profitability of your book.
Trusted by leading Insurance Brokers
Offer prospective clients value-added services for claims analytics and claims advocacy to differentiate your brokerage from the competition.
Become a trusted advisor and valued business partner to your policyholders by using a digital platform to provide transparency, superior risk management, and thorough regulatory compliance.
What Our Brokers Are Saying
“With Aclaimant’s expertise in acquiring, organizing, and visualizing carrier loss data, we will be able to further enhance our claims consulting and loss control capabilities to drive superior results for our clients.”
“After implementing Aclaimant in a matter of weeks, we were quickly able to empower our team to have conversations with their clients and advocate for better claim management."
"Working with Aclaimant gives us consistency, professionalism, a high quality product, and a differentiator. It gives Lamb that competitive advantage and is helping us grow."
How it Works
Claims Analytics & Loss Run Dashboards
Drive awareness of risk opportunities using loss run feeds and configurable customer dashboards
Mobile FNOL & Claims Advocacy
Digitize and organize broker claims advocacy workflows while engaging all relevant parties
Insights - Predictive Models
Predict claims severity by leveraging insights drawn from Aclaimant’s proprietary claims database
Data Warehouse
Rapidly organize and centralize your claims data in a cloud data warehouse and plug in to your own set of analysis toolsLearn More
What is Risk Waste? Most companies don't understand what Risk Waste is or how to measure it. Risk Waste is all the direct and indirect costs associated with managing within your and your insureds organizations. In this e-book, we show you three areas (financial, time, and morale) in which you may be experiencing Risk Waste and how it's costing you.
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Lamb Insurance Services needed a comprehensive claims management system so it could gain efficiencies as it scales 30% annually, while also offering competitive solutions to its growing client base. Many internal resources were spent on manual claims reporting, which meant less bandwidth to be strategic and build relationships with clients and carriers.
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Broker Resources and Insights
Webinars, Blogs and Articles
Schedule a Demo
Book some time for a free demonstration from our team and learn more about how you can sell more new business, retain clients through value-added services and optimize the profitability of your book.
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© 2024 Aclaimant 330 N. Wabash, 23rd Floor, Chicago, IL (312) 361-3477