Sep 12, 2019
By Andrew Thiermann
Sep 12, 2019
As an outsider to the insurance and risk technology space I knew as much as the average person about what goes on within them. When you deal with insurance it’s typically during a period of stress following an unfortunate event. It's normally not the easiest process to handle - from dealing with the situation itself to navigating archaic processes and forms that have been in place since time immemorial.
That's why I was so impressed with how Aclaimant was shifting the discussion. By creating an application that focuses on risk surrounding incidents and also supporting the ability to report when things go wrong, we're helping our customers create a culture of safety. We are enabling every phase of risk and incidents to reside within one easy access point.
That coupled with our desire to improve how the teams run internally allowed me to feel like I'd be a great fit. I'm really excited to use my experience growing and scaling startups here at Aclaimant.
As Director of Customer Success, my goal is to add process to streamline our implementations, add transparency to how we interact with our customers, and become a trusted advocate and advisor for them.
What the team has already achieved is nothing short of extraordinary and I cannot wait to help continue our exponential growth trajectory starting immediately!
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