RMIS_2024_cover Aclaimant's latest featured profile in the 2024 RMIS Report from Redhand Advisors is here!

As organizations strive to keep up with the increasing complexity of risk management, finding and investing in digital solutions that empower your team to be more strategic and efficient is more crucial now than ever. 

Redhand Advisors' 2024 RMIS Report explores the lay of the land for the digital risk solution market while looking at where it is heading.

In addition to exploring how risk platforms, like Aclaimant, provide flexibility and ease of use, the Report also features information about the future of Aclaimant's Active Risk Management platform.

Check out our feature to see how Aclaimant has developed its customer-centric model that is consistently recognized for its high level of service and support. The feature also covers new capabilities being rolled out this year including AI-driven functions, data-based platform transformations, and continually expanded modules and data pipelines.

To learn more about the present and future of Aclaimant as a whole, and to get a taste of the state of RMIS in 2024, complete the form to the right and click SUBMIT.

Complete the form to download the 2024 RMIS Report