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10 Cases for Aclaimant's Return to Work Program | Aclaimant

Written by Gary Pearce | Jul 06, 2020

Businesses continue to reopen - even as COVID-19 cases spike in certain areas - and develop and launch return-to-work programs in an effort to effectively identify at-risk employees, while monitoring and maintaining a safe work environment. However, many organizations have opted to implement their own tool versus using a solution like Aclaimant’s COVID-19 Return To Work module, which could be insufficient and inconsistent in keeping employees safe.

Here’s the top 10 reasons why Aclaimant offers a better, safer solution than organizations “going it alone.”

  1. Aclaimant follows CDC guidelines and other relevant guidance. As the guidance changes, Aclaimant quickly updates the tool for all users.
  2. Aclaimant’s tool includes the input of hundreds of subject matter authorities from multiple sources. It accumulates and reflects a consensus of best practices.
  3. The information collected may contain medical records. Privacy protection and access segregation are musts, not nice-to-haves. The Aclaimant system is configurable to meet such requirements.
  4. Aclaimant offers the analytical package organizations need to monitor compliance, identify deficiencies, and prioritize action steps.
  5. Aclaimant empowers real-time collaboration. The right people, and only the right people, become aware without delays or omissions.
  6. Aclaimant can be integrated with human resource information systems (HRIS), nurse case management systems, and insurance carrier reporting systems. The result is huge time savings and improved accuracy.
  7. The same platform that powers the Aclaimant COVID-19 Return To Work module is applicable to other incident management needs such as workplace injuries, general liability, motor vehicle liability, and employment practices liability. Down go the siloes!
  8. Aclaimant’s robust task automation features ensure the right follow-up steps are assigned for each customer, with total accountability and enormous time efficiencies.
  9. The Aclaimant COVID-19 Return To Work module includes a continuously updated U.S. COVID-19 Pandemic Monitoring Dashboard at no extra charge.
  10. Aclaimant is SOC2 certified, giving users confidence that Aclaimant meets the recognized best practice standard for security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.
If you'd like to learn how Aclaimant can help your return to work program, click here.